
Monday, December 31, 2012

Marijuana Legalization Plans for 7 States

The Daily Chronic

The Daily Chronic has an informative article on states with upcoming strides toward legalization.
WASHINGTON, DC — Following landmark victories in Colorado and Washington on November 6, many people are asking, “What states will be next to enact measures to tax and regulate marijuana like alcohol?”

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), one of the nation’s largest marijuana reform organizations which has been instrumental in passing medical marijuana, decriminalization, and marijuana legalization bills in several states nationwide, has announced the next seven states that they plan perusing marijuana legalization.
List of states and dates proposed:
  • Alaska with a tax and regulate ballot initiative in 2014
  • Nevada with a tax and regulate campaign slated for 2016.
  • California with a planned legalization initiative for the 2016.
  • Maine with a tax and regulate marijuana legalization bill in 2013.
  • Rhode Island with a a tax and regulate bill in 2013.
  • Oregon with a tax and regulate campaign slated for 2013.
  • Massachusetts with a 2016 tax and regulate for adult use campaign.
If you reside in any states don't let the opportunity pass you by to make a difference. Two down 48 to go.

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