
Sunday, July 31, 2011


Thanks for stopping by

Nothing drug related to post, I just wanted to thank everyone who dropped by to get us to 1000 views. I know it's not much traffic but it shows that people are looking for information. Some sites get 1000 views in an 10 minutes, I'm not so lucky.

Once again thanks for stopping by, tell your friends and fell free to submit anything you would like to see on the site.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pot Pix

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Colorado Alliance Files Initiative To Tax And Regulate Marijuana


The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is the driving force behind a 2012 statewide ballot initiative to end marijuana prohibition in Colorado.  It is a locally based effort being carried out by a broad and growing coalition of activists, organizations, businesses, and professionals throughout the state and across the nation.

The Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act of 2012 makes the adult use of marijuana legal, establishes a system in which marijuana is regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol, and allows for the cultivation of industrial hemp.  Click here to read the full initiative language.  Passage of this initiative will be historic, resulting in Colorado becoming the first state in the nation – and the first geographic area in the world – to make the possession, use, and regulated production and distribution of marijuana legal for adults.

The Campaign’s first goal is to collect roughly 85,000 valid signatures of registered Colorado voters, which are needed to qualify the measure for next year’s election.  This is no easy feat, and it is our hope that marijuana reform supporters from around the state will get involved in the effort to place this initiative on the ballot.  By joining the campaign today you can help end marijuana prohibition in Colorado next year and be part of something that will be written about in history books for years to come.

Buy American Pot: A Special Message From the AMGA, Dedicated to Keeping Pot Illegal & Profits

We all know that a lot of people are harmed by prohibition, but who benefits? Strangely enough, some of the biggest beneficiaries are the bootleggers. Sure, they take a big risk, but black marketeers don't have to pay taxes, they're protected from foreign competition, and they benefit from artificially inflated prices. Talk about protectionism.

What kind of message would an honest American Marijuana Growers Association have for us? "Thank you for your support of marijuana prohibition and buy American pot!"

"Buy American Pot" PSA was produced by Paul Feine, Alex Manning, and Hawk Jensen. Approximately 1.15 minutes.

The farmer is played by Alexandra Fulton. Visit her at